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  1. Hi, We are looking for a qualified carpenter to join our building maintenance company in Cairns. Already having your right to work would be preferred, however, we won't rule out employer sponsorship for the right person. Thanks, Sarina
  2. We had my Citizenship ceremony last week, just over 4 months from start to finish! Good luck to everyone in the midst of/starting their application!
  3. Agree with this, apply as soon as possible. I applied in April and have my ceremony this month.
  4. Well that happened alot quicker than expected! Received invite for ceremony this morning, ceremony date 24/08/21
  5. I did with a DUI, was asked for further information about it, replied with when it happened (xyrs ago), what I received (x fine and y ban), and explained that I hadn't been in any trouble since then etc. Good luck!
  6. I was only asked for my photo ID (drivers licence/passport). Applied in Cairns.
  7. Hi all, Finally got round to applying for citizenship (was eligible Feb 2019!!!), timeline below: Application submitted: 14/04/21 Appointment email received: 15/06/21 Interview & Test: 01/07/21 Approved: 01/07/21 (told I would receive letter in post to confirm approval in approx 3 weeks) Ceremony: TBC (advised wait time is currently 6-8months)
  8. Hi all, I am about to submit my application for citizenship. I have all the docs under the Required heading. The Form 1195 comes under the Recommended heading. Does this mean that I don't need to submit a Form 1195? TIA!
  9. Thanks for your responses, I logged onto my Immi and they had changed it to trips in the last 10 years, so should be all good! Hopefully!
  10. Hi all, I started my citizenship application as I thought I had qualified (entered Feb 2015 on Temp Partner Visa) but wasn't sure as there had been talks of changing it to 4yrs on PR visa etc.... The question I have is when asked to enter times overseas including holidays, is this just from the time you entered Australia or ever? I had put in holidays ever, as per my temp visa and perm visa, but it came back asking for a USA Police Check (I'm from the UK), I have been to America a hand full of times in my lifetime but the longest I ever stayed there was 1 month (20 years ago), other times its been for 1 week/10days max. Has anyone else had this? Or should I just be entering trips overseas since moving to Australia (I've been to the UK twice 6weeks / 3weeks). Thanks! Sarina
  11. Thanks for coming back to me!! Good to know that they probably see it alot!! Did you get your police check done in your maiden or married name?
  12. Hi all, I've been emailed about the 2nd stage of the 309/100 visa for my permanent resident which is fab, but I'm a bit unsure how to fill out the forms re my name- really don't want it to be declined etc..... My query is that we moved to Oz about 2 weeks after my 309 got granted, my UK passport that the visa is connected to is in my maiden name, but all my stuff here in Oz is under my married name. I've started my Immi account and so far put my maiden name down where it asks for name as it appears on passport, and married name further down, and have said I have my birth cert, UK driving licence, marriage certificate with maiden name. Firstly, is this ok to do, I will be uploading my Oz driving licence etc that has my married name on there? Secondly, I've tentatively filled out the AFP online form with my married name as everything here has it, if I upload the ID they need as well as my marriage certificate, do you think that will work? Thanks!
  13. Hi @JonnoM Thank you! My must enter date is a year from when I had the medical as it's earlier than the date my PCC was issued
  14. Hi all, Thought I would drop my CO a little nudge email this morning, just over an hour later got a reply saying that my application will be finalised by the end of the week and they would email me. And then an hour after that, it came through! The OH has got the Verve in the fridge and now we can confirm our flights :jiggy:
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